Portsea Estate specialises in advanced, indigenous specimens, up to 4 meters tall of:
We also produce various species of native grasses.
Portsea Estate can deliver locally on the Peninsula (Dromana to Portsea) for all orders over $500.
Before European settlement, the Portsea/Sorrento region was covered in dense woodland dominated by Moonah (Melaleuca lanceolata) and She-oak (Allocasuarina Verticillata) with Banksia and Tea tree nearer the coast. Stands of Moonah trees now exist only in remnants while She-oaks and coastal Banksias were virtually wiped out in the 19th century following extensive land clearing and limeburning activities.
As part of our commitment to preserving and regenerating the unique ecological environment of the region, Portsea Estate has embarked on a program of propagating and replanting these indigenous trees. Our native plant nursery now stocks upwards of 20,000 plants, all of which have been germinated from seeds exclusively sourced from the beautiful and ancient stands of Moonah, Banksia and She-oaks that still grow in and around our 100 acre property which borders the Point Nepean National Park and overlooks Bass Strait.
The Bass Straight coast is an extremely harsh environment with strong prevailing south and south-west winds and pounding surf constantly scouring and shaping the volatile shore line. Portsea lies at the South-West tip of the Mornington Peninsula, at the entrance to Port Philip Bay, Victoria.