Size and Price

1.3 - 1.6 meters tall.

75L bags. 8 years old + $480 / tree GST inclusive

45L bags $280. 5 years old + $280 / tree GST inclusive


Call 0499 457 241 or email

Melaleuca lanceolata  (Moonah)

A small tree growing to about 8m. The alternate leaves are linear to narrow-elliptic with pointed tips which grow from 5mm to 15mm long and 1mm to 3mm in width. It produces bottlebrush-like white flowers 2cm to 4cm long in summer.

Melaleuca lanceolata is a small tree or shrub which grows to about 8m and is  native to Australia. It has a number of common names including Black Paperbark and Moonah.

The white or cream flower spikes are 2–4cm in length and appear mainly in the summer, but may also appear randomly through the year.

Ideal for coastal areas, Moonahs can be effectively hedged or can be used as a windbreak, for shade, or as ornamental trees.